Monday, December 27, 2010

Reverb 2010- One Word

My good friend and blogger, Sara, sent me a link,  She sent me the link a few weeks ago, but with the end of the semester, I did not have much time to actually see what it was.  The website began in December of 2009.  Each day of December, the creator and a few other bloggers, post a prompt to make other bloggers think about the past year.  Some of the questions are easy to answer, and some of the questions make you really think about what happened in the past twelve months.  For the next 31 days I will be answering the questions that have been posted on this website.  I am hoping you will share your answers with me too!!

One Word. Encapsulate the year 2010 in one word. Explain why you’re choosing that word. Now, imagine it’s one year from today, what would you like the word to be that captures 2011 for you?

Busy.  The year of 2010 was a very busy one for me.  The year was consumed with my grad program, working for my parents, babysitting, parties and socializing.  It felt like almost every night I had something to do, and my weekends got booked up weeks in advance.  As hectic as it was, I loved every minute of it.  I spent an insane amount of time with best friends, being silly and drinking wine (I guess another word I could use to describe 2010 was wino).  Before this year, I loved splitting my time between going out to see friends and staying in, watching movies, especially in the winter.  Now if I have a few hours of free time, I have no idea what to do with myself.  I get bored sitting around watching movies and T.V.  Hopefully I will relearn how to relax, and enjoy my downtime again.

As for 2011, the one word that will capture the year will be "celebration".  I will be attending three weddings next year, and I am excited for everyone of them.  The first wedding I have, in June, is for one of my best friends from college.  I am going to be a bridesmaid along with nine other amazing girls.  The second wedding I have is for my cousin, and he is getting married in Narragansett, Rhode Island.  As most of you know, Narragansett is 5 minutes from URI.  It will be great to be around all my family in a place that is so beautiful and homey to me.  The wedding is also the day before my birthday, so I will be able to celebrate turning 24 will my family.  My third wedding that I will be attending is for a good friend from Camp Lindenmere.  I remember the summer she first started dating her now fiance, and eight years later they are getting married.  Congratulations to all of my friends and family who are getting married in 2011.  It will be the year to celebrate, so enjoy every minute of it.  

Another reason why 2011 will be a celebration is because I will be graduating from Montclair University.  Anyone who has spoken to me about grad school knows that I absolutely hate my school, and I cannot wait to be done!!  I have one semester left student teaching, and then I will be graduated.  I will receive my Masters in Teaching for preschool through third grade, and special education.  Let the job search begin!! (Hopefully I will be able to celebrate finding a big-girl job).

So what is the one word that summarizes 2010 for you?  Why did you choose that word, and what is the one word you hope describes 2011? 

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