You know its going to be a good night when the guy sitting next to you leans over and whispers, "I just want to let you know, I'm a singer". Since tonight was a press event for Rock of Ages the movie, I figured I should write a little review about it. I love seeing musicals on the big screen. Obviously there is nothing like seeing a show on Broadway, but when actors perform in musicals, they always seem like they are having such a great time and there is always so much energy. I can always feel the excitement from my seat, and tonight was no different. Every single star in the movie was rocking out hard core.
For those of you who do not know, Rock of Ages takes place in the late 80's (1987 to be correct). The mayor and his wife (Catherine Zeta Jones) want to try and end rock and roll, thinking they will be protecting their children. The owner of Bourbon Bar (Alec Baldwin) is trying to keep his business afloat. And everyone else is just trying to keep rock and roll alive. Of course in there, there are a few love connections and heartbreak. Oh, and a happy ending. (By the way, I learned all this from the movie. I knew nothing before!)
Best way for me to get my thoughts down is by making a list. So here's what I loved and what I hated from the movie:
1. Alec Baldwin and Russell Brand make a great team! The two of them together was hilarious to watch. They mesh so well together. And their singing was even better. I have always loved Alec Baldwin, but in the movie I fell in love again, and I almost forgave Russell Brand for divorcing Katy Perry. *Warning: They have a cheesy scene together. It starts out funny, but gets old real fast*
2. Tom Cruise was AWESOME!!! He plays a constantly drunk rock and roller who is supposed to be the poster-boy for sex. When women are around him, they become super horny and try to jump him. Cruise's acting in this movie was like nothing I've ever seen him do. He fit the roll perfectly. And his singing? Gave me chills. He should quit scientology (and acting) and become a rock and roller. I hope he does another musical very soon.
3. Catherine Zeta Jones plays a stuck up bitch, and I love it. Too bad the scenes she actually sang in were cheesy. Besides that, I did enjoy her in the movie. Her facial expressions were perfect. *Side Note: I secretly think she should only do musicals*
4. Hello Diego Boneta. This is the first movie for Boneta, and he won my heart over. He's so cute, and his voice was perfect. Boneta plays a waiter at Bourbon Bar, and gets his lucky break when one of the opening bands ends up in rehab. He plays an awesome rocker, but I will warn you, he get's a little pop near the end. His outfits were hilarious and his music was awful, but luckily he finds his way back to rock and roll.
5. The music and the mash-ups might have been the best part. What's better than listening to one awesome song? Listening to two awesome songs at the same time! I seriously need to download the music and put it on repeat.
1. Julianne Hough's singing voice brought the movie down. She's cute looking, having one of those "girl next door" faces, but when she sings, she sounds horrible! Hough plays a girl who moved to LA to try and become a singer. Instead she ends up working at a bar and eventually a strip club and falls in love. Her character reminded me of Christina Augilera's character in Burlesque. They both have chubby faces. They both moved out to LA to become known for singing/dancing. The only difference: Aguilera can actually sing.
2. My only other complaint is that no one began dancing or singing during the last song! I have seen Mama Mia in the movie theater and on Broadway. In both shows the crowd has gotten out of their seats and started dancing and singing ABBA. I seriously thought people would get up during this show. I saw people waving their arms around, and the girl behind me kept kicking my chair to the beat of the music, but everyone stayed in their seats. Who remembers Spice Girls the movie? Everyone was up dancing and having an awesome time. Hopefully when the movie comes out Friday movie-goers won't be too afraid to bust a move.
P.S. I would have loved to have seen Bret Michaels in the movie. Who doesn't love him??
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