As of June 21 I will not be returning to my job. This past year has made me realize that teaching is not the profession for me. People keep asking me why I don't want to keep teaching. I wish I had a simple answer to tell everyone, but I don't. I cannot pinpoint what I dislike about teaching. The things I love: interacting with my students, planning lessons, seeing their finished work, and I love the people I work with. I've realized how difficult it is to teach 6-12 students at one time in this setting. Some of my students need a lot of assistance when it comes to learning simple ideas, and they need a lot of help completing activities. I wish I could work with my students one-on-one.
So of course now I am obsessively thinking about what I would like to do with my life. As I go over all my options, I keep thinking back to what I enjoyed when I was younger, thinking maybe I can use this to my advantage. At the moment, I haven't been able to figure anything out for my future. However, I have decided to start a bucket-list. Writing down what I want to do with my life might help me figure out what kind of job I would like. Here's what I have so far....
Bucket List
- Read all the books on my Goodreads list (can you tell how big of a nerd I am?? Reading is the first thing on my list. I'm crazy!)
- Find a job that I love.
- Have something published.
- Buy a pair of Christain Louboutin's.
- Visit all 7 continents
- Visit all 50 states
- Attend:
- Kentucky Derby
- Mardi Gras
- Climb to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
- Run a 5K
- Travel at least 4 times a year for the rest of my life
- Live in a different country for at least a year.
- Move to southern California
- Become organized
Like I always say u really need to marry rich babe!