I have five more months left in graduate school, and I honestly have NO idea what I want to do afterwards. All my friends know what they want to do with their lives, and are moving ahead. Most of them are in long term relationships, getting married, finishing graduate school, and have permanent jobs. The only thing I know about my life is that I am definitely graduating in May. After that everything is up in the air. It would be perfect if I could get paid to buy shoes and clothes all day.
Whenever I hang out with my friends, I always feel like I have no exciting stories to tell. Most of the time my friends do most of the talking, and I love to listen. But I do know that throughout my life, I have not taken many chances. It is either because I get too scared or because I am busy second guessing myself, that I just give up. A few weeks ago I had a girls weekend, and we went out to a country bar. Some of us attempted to do country dancing, and some of us drank a lot of beer. Later in the night, some of the girls decided to ride the bull. All night I had been thinking about the bull, and if I would attempt to ride it. I really wanted to try, but I was scared of embarrassing myself. I was able to watch a few people go, including two of my friends. Some people did not last a long time, some people did go flying off, some people stopped when they were uncomfortable, and everyone had a great time riding. I was still hesitant until one of my friends started talking about how she wasn't sure if she wanted to ride the bull. She had done it before, and wasn't sure if she wanted to go again. I told her that if she went on, I would go after her. So she went on the bull. And then I went on the bull. And then another friend of mine went on the bull.
I can honestly tell you that I had a blast riding the bull, and would totally do it again. The same weekend I came home and built a desk for my room. I was originally going to have my brother help me, but I did not have that much time to see him, and I did not want to wait another two weeks for it to built. So I decided to take charge. I dragged the 50 + pounds of desk up the stairs. I then figured out how to open the box (which took about 10 minutes alone), and then started working on the desk. The whole time I was building, I just kept repeating the words my mom said to me, "Are you sure you can do this? Don't screw up". I am a very stubborn person. When I set my mind to something, I usually go through with it (unless I get scared or second guess myself). I knew I was going to get this desk built. It took me a few hours, but I succeeded.
After realizing that I was able to ride the bull and build my own desk, I realized that I should stop second guessing everything. I miss out on life when I'm busy thinking way to much about what it is I want to do. I also end up regretting things that I don't do. I've decided I'm going to start going with my gut feeling. If there is something I really want to do, I will do it. And if there is something that seems a little challenging, I will remind myself that I can do whatever I put my mind to, and I will succeed. With this new mentality, I started my application for the Peace Corp two days ago. I get freaked out thinking about having to leave my friends and family for two years, but then I think about how badly I want to travel. Cross your fingers everyone, and pray that I get accepted into the Peace Corp!!!

I can honestly tell you that I had a blast riding the bull, and would totally do it again. The same weekend I came home and built a desk for my room. I was originally going to have my brother help me, but I did not have that much time to see him, and I did not want to wait another two weeks for it to built. So I decided to take charge. I dragged the 50 + pounds of desk up the stairs. I then figured out how to open the box (which took about 10 minutes alone), and then started working on the desk. The whole time I was building, I just kept repeating the words my mom said to me, "Are you sure you can do this? Don't screw up". I am a very stubborn person. When I set my mind to something, I usually go through with it (unless I get scared or second guess myself). I knew I was going to get this desk built. It took me a few hours, but I succeeded.
After realizing that I was able to ride the bull and build my own desk, I realized that I should stop second guessing everything. I miss out on life when I'm busy thinking way to much about what it is I want to do. I also end up regretting things that I don't do. I've decided I'm going to start going with my gut feeling. If there is something I really want to do, I will do it. And if there is something that seems a little challenging, I will remind myself that I can do whatever I put my mind to, and I will succeed. With this new mentality, I started my application for the Peace Corp two days ago. I get freaked out thinking about having to leave my friends and family for two years, but then I think about how badly I want to travel. Cross your fingers everyone, and pray that I get accepted into the Peace Corp!!!
You would make an excellent bar tender ;0)