Everyone in my family has birthdays near holidays. My birthday is the day before July 4th. My brothers birthday is five days before Halloween (yes I'm counting Halloween as a holiday), my dad's birthday is around Memorial Day weekend, and my mom's is around Thanksgiving. Out of the four birthdays, my mom's is probably the worst timing. This year her birthday fell the day right before Thanksgiving. She had to work all day and then cook all night. And me being me, I don't help her with the cooking. I will usually stay up late with her, hang out with her and her girlfriends, drinking wine, and doing minimal cooking (i.e. chopping). This year I was a bad daughter and did not spend anytime with her all day. I left for school way before she woke up. Then I went to a potluck dinner and didn't get back home until midnight. And since I was so tired, I went up to my room and went to sleep. To make it up to my mom, this entry will be dedicated to her.
Dear Mom,
Happy birthday!! Living at home with you for the past year and a half has had its ups and downs. I love being able to see you everyday. I love being able to tell you about my days, and what I'm doing in school (even if you don't remember what I say). I love being able to tell you what I've been doing on my weekends. However, I hate living with the EZ Ryder you. Instead of calling to ask how I'm doing, you call to see if I've gone to the post office. Our mornings are spent filing, and putting credit cards through the machine. Our shopping and movie times are spent with you on the phone constantly, and me saying "Mom, hurry up!". Weekends are spent with "I want to do _____ today", when in reality nothing gets done. It is impossible to make plans with you. We always decide to do something, and then I spend half my days waiting for you to be ready.

With that said, even though you are so busy, thank you for being my mom. Thank you for asking me questions about my days. Thank you for taking an interest in my friends. Thank you for making time to do things with me. And thank you for remembering that I said I wanted to see Promises, Promises, and then getting me tickets for the show! I know that when I was younger we never really bonded. I was quiet, and didn't like to tell you things. I am still nervous to tell you some things since you're so critical, but I know that you are always willing to listen to me. You are always there to ask me questions, and make sure I have everything figured out. You are my walking buddy, walking me through life, and walking me through the Avon Walk. You have taught me how to be a hard worker. You have taught me how to think rationally. You have taught me how to be respectful and responsible. And through our math lessons, you have taught me how NOT to teach my students.
For your birthday, it is my wish that you will find more time for yourself. More time to spend with your friends and family. I also hope you find time to do whatever you enjoy. Even though I said your birthday at the wrong time, you are very lucky to be able to celebrate during Thanksgiving weekend. You are able to see your family, friends, and Jeremy is home for the long weekend. Enjoy every minute of it, and take a break from the craziness that is EZ Ryder.
With all my love,
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