Hey everyone, I am back! Sorry I haven't written anything in a while, I've been busy finishing my summer class and traveling to the Hamptons and the Jersey Shore. But now I have some extra time, and hope to use some of it for blogging.
As promised in my last blog, I have come up with some things I would like to do while I am 23 years old. I have been doing a lot of thinking about this list, and I am still not done. I have come up with 10 things so far.
1. Be vegetarian for a month- Last semester in class, someone gave a presentation about how unhealthy meat can be. Not sure I completely agree, but she convinced me to try and be vegetarian. At first I was going to be pescatarian, since I love sushi, but after the oil spill, I've decided to spare the fish as well!
2. Go Green- In my summer class, we created a unit lesson based on the 4 R's: Recycle, Reduce, Reuse and React. I realized that if I ever taught this in a class, I would want to be able to tell my students that I am green. It's very simple to recycle, reduce and reuse. I will keep everyone updated as I Go Green.
3. Volunteer- I love volunteering. It is something that I wish I had done more of in college. This year, I would like to volunteer at least once a week. If anyone has any recommendations of where to volunteer, it would be greatly appreciated!
4. Send out Birthday Cards- Everyone loves to get mail! Let me know when your birthday is, and send me your address!
5. Learn How to Cook- I am honestly not sure if this goal will ever get accomplished, but I feel like I should learn how to cook. All I know how to make is pasta. And I can microwave. If anyone is willing to give me cooking lessons, please let me know. At the moment, all I would like to learn how to cook are eggs and pancakes. If you think of anything else I should learn how to make, just tell me!
6. Go to the gym at least 3 days a week-I feel accomplished and good about myself when I go to the gym.
7. Watch/Listen/Read the News- I am really bad at paying attention to any news stories. I think it's time I am in the know about what is going on around the world.
8. Blog at least once a week- I need to stop falling behind on my blogging!!!
9. Write about books- During the winter, I tried to write summaries about each book I read. It was fun to do, and it's great to have. If people ask me how I felt about certain books, I can always look and see what I wrote about it. I used to write in a blog, but then I had to be careful and not state what happened in the book. Writing about it in my notebook gives me the privacy to really critique and write about my favorite parts.
10. Organize- I need to seriously organize myself. My room hasn't been organized since I graduated from URI. I also have to clean out my e-mails. I want to choose one thing to organize a day, and hopefully get it done. It doesn't have to be something big, it can just be going through one drawer a day. I know this will make me feel better, and hopefully my room will look a little less cluttered.
This is all I have at the moment. I will continue to think about what I would like to try this year. I promise to keep you guys posted on some of my goals!
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