Wednesday, January 25, 2012


There are 269 days left until the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer.  As much as I love the actual walk, I love the fundraising aspect of it as well.  It makes me think creatively, and it brings friends together.  Lately I have been doing some thinking of events I would like to hold.  Of course I am going to have my BBQ sometime at the end of the summer/beginning of fall.  Below are a few ideas I have come up with.  Enjoy!

1. Cook Off- Someone was telling about how they attended a mac & cheese cook off.  This sounds like such an AMAZING idea.  I was thinking that people can volunteer to make either mac & cheese, meatballs, or something else that everyone loves (and of course dessert), and we can see which one is the best.  Everyone who attends the party will receive tickets, and they will put a ticket in what they think is their favorite.  I promise to get a little award for the winner!

2. March Madness- Not going to lie, I know NOTHING about March Madness...but I still thought doing something for it might be fun.  Most people know how the brackets work, so I am not going to go into it.  The basics are: pay in $20, fill out bracket, winner gets half.  Watch out for posts on Facebook looking for people to participate!

3. Guest Bartend- I found out that many bars allow people to guest bartend, teaching them a few things beforehand.  You're able to keep whatever tips you make, which is great!  The only thing is you have to make sure enough people attend the event.  Hopefully enough of you will come watch me (attempt) to make drinks!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Indecisive at it's Worst

It's 11:45, and I'm exhausted but I can't fall asleep.  Tonight I told my mom that I started an application to be certified to teach in California.  Ever since I was little I have wanted to move to California.  I thought the perfect time to go would be during college, but my mom had a rule that we were not allowed to apply to school super far away (we can all thank my uncle for that).  So instead I went to Rhode Island and had an amazing time.  But 6 years later and I still want to move out there.  I thought maybe I would move out there for only a few years.  Meet new people, live a different lifestyle, go back to school for another masters (or two).  I'm ready for something new and different.  While discussing my mom brought up some good points that I hadn't thought about.  She reminded me that I need health insurance if I can't find a job.  I can always get my own, but it's a lot of money.  She also said that I should try to live on my own somewhere near home, before moving 3,000 miles away and live alone, not knowing many people.

Now that I'm lying in bed, thinking about everything, I can't help but think maybe I should put it off for a year.  I originally told myself that I would move to a different state (somewhere warm all year around) by August 2013.  Then all of a sudden I decided I wanted to move earlier, like August 2012.  A lot of my friends are in serious relationships, engaged and married.  I feel as if everyone's life is evolving and mine is not.  Which I have no problem with, because I don't want any of those responsibilities, and I like being selfish and only thinking about myself and no one else.  But it makes it harder to make plans with friends.  Why should I stay around here when everyone else has such busy lives?  

Now comes the indecisive part.  I also really want to move into New York City (at least for a few years).  I have my life set up in New York City.  I have my sports, friends from all periods of my life, now trapeze and silk ropes.  It's my home more than New Jersey.  Ask any one of my college friends, and they will tell you that I had such Jersey pride during school.  Now that Jersey pride has disappeared.  I don't belong here.  I love going to the malls, but I love going to the actual stores in NYC better.  I hate having a car and having to drive everywhere.  I would love to be able to walk to any destination during the summer, and hop onto a subway during the winter.  I keep thinking about the episode of Sex and the City where Carrie goes out on a date with NYC.  That's how I feel every time I'm in the city.  So many possibilities, and so many things excite me there.  I know that's where I really belong.

I'm not afraid of a big move or not knowing people.  What I am afraid of is falling in love with where ever I move to, and never wanting to leave that place.  I have my whole life ahead of me, and I want to explore the world.  Live in different cities, different states, different countries.  I'm terrified that if I move to San Diego or NYC I'm going to fall in love (with the city) and not ever leave.

The last option is to keep living at home, and saving my money to travel.  This option I have considered almost daily.  I just finished planning a trip to Costa Rica, and I had such a high while planning.  I could see myself planning trips like this four or five times a year.  It gets expensive, and I def. don't make enough money teaching.  Living at home would save me a lot of money (as long as I cut down on the shopping ).  I don't have to worry about buying things for my place like paper towels, or cable or heat, or whatever people pay for.  But I am always in NY.  It doesn't make sense for me to live at home and drive into Bronx five days a week, and then go into the city 4 or 5 days a week.  I spend so much money on tolls, and trains, and buses.  

Being indecisive is the worst possible thing ever.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

52 Weeks of Trying Something New

I can't believe I haven't blogged since I was away in Italy and Spain.  Guess my life hasn't been very exciting the past 4 months. But now I am back and I am ready to blog!

I hope everyone had a wonderful new years!  I got to celebrate the evening with some amazing friends in the amazing city of New York.  I am very excited to see what 2012 has in store for me.  I can already feel it, this year is going to be amazing.  When I turned 24, I finally admitted to myself that I was a coward.  I was always scared to do things, and I would talk myself out of having fun.  Once I turned 24, something changed in me.  I started to realize that life is for living.  Not working, but having fun and trying new things.  I've realized that I enjoy doing so many different things, and I never would have learned if I didn't try.  For example, going to Europe with one friend and one backpack was one of the scariest things I have ever done!  When we first started discussing it, I kept thinking, "am I really going to go through with this?".  But I did, and I had the time of my life.  I can't wait to travel again to anywhere. 

Starting the new year, I did not have any resolutions.  I thought it was pointless to come up with a list because I always end up abandoning them within a few days.  So instead of starting the year off with disappointment that I can't commit to something, I decided to not commit at all.   And then I started thinking about how I want to try new things this year, and live adventurously.  All of a sudden I started thinking about the Friends episode where Ross decides his new years resolution will be to try something new every day (minus the leather pants).  While trying something new EVERY day might be a bit much for me, I was thinking maybe I can try something new every week.  The only problem is I can't come up with 52 new things to try.  So far I have two things new things that I will be trying: playing on a football team (even though I don't know how to play football), and attempting the silk ropes (like in the circus).  

This is where you come in.  Is there anything you've been dying to try but have no one to do it with?  Do you have any hobbies/interests that are unique or just super fun that I might want to try.  I'm open to anything.  This will be the year of being a daredevil.  I am always so freaked out about trying new things, but once I try them, I usually fall in love with whatever it is.  So please give me ideas!

Oh, and what are your resolutions?  It's day 3 of January, have you kept them??  If you're looking for some resolutions, I thought this list was pretty awesome: 20 New Years Resolutions.